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Writer's pictureAmanda

Newsletter - Week 7, Term 4 2023

Principal’s Update

Kia ora Waitetuna Whaanau, thank you for your support of our Teacher Only Day last Friday. It was great to get together with the other schools in the area and delve into Te Maataiaho (the refreshed NZ Curriculum). We continue to work on plans to begin trialling this in 2024.

Mobile ear clinic—I recently found out that a mobile ear clinic comes to Raglan once a term. I have asked to be informed on when these visits are so that you are able to make an appointment if you are concerned about your child’s ear health and or hearing. I enjoyed being able to go down with the Middle Room to Kura Awa last week. The learning that happened just on the way down was tremendous. Then the students got to do some in-depth analysis of the Awa and found an amazing array of living things in there. We love Kura Awa.

Stones for our water feature—in consultation with our hapuu we are wanting to put a small water feature at the front of school under the mural. If you have access to a range of stones (up to 10cm by 10cm) and could bring some to school to contribute to the making of our water feature—that would be tremendous.

Inter School athletics—thanks to the parents who could help us at the Inter School athletics. It was great to be able to have this event for the first time in 4 years. We ran the long jump event and to run this we needed extra support, so thanks parents.

Our students at Inter School athletics were tremendous in doing their very best and putting on great show of sportsmanship too. Well done to these students for their placings—Jade—1st—800m and Long Jump, 2nd—200m, Emma B—Ist Equal—High Jump, Grace—1st—800m, Audrey— 3rd—200mSwimming pool—Big thanks to Richard for getting the pool back up and running just in time for the very warm day on Wednesday. Pool keys are for sale at the office for the same great price of $80 — $10 - refunded on return of key at the end of the season.

Your child will have hopefully brought home an invite to our school disco on Thursday 30th Nov. Our Senior students are getting set to decorate the multi-purpose room so everyone can come together for a boogie. You are welcome to stay for the event but can drop and run too. The PTA have kindly taken on the food for this event. Pizza and chips—$5—dinner sorted for that night and $2 juice boxes and other goodies.

Ngaa mihi Amanda

All The Happenings

  • School Disco—Thurs 30th Nov—5.30-7pm

  • Lawn Bowls—practise—27th Nov—lunch

  • onwards—opt in—year 5-8—1st Dec

  • Board Meeting—5th Dec– 5.30pm

  • Junior Room trip—Venue—TBC—11th Dec

  • Final assembly 13th Dec– from 6pm

  • Reports home—Thurs 14th Dec

  • Last day of the year—Monday 18th Dec - reminder school finishes at midday.

  • Term 1—2024—starts 7th Feb

PTA News

Raffle 2024 - Calling for PRIZES!

In term 1 of the new year school will be running a Raffle again as one of our fundraisers. The PTA is now looking for prizes so we can put some amazing packages together soon.

If you, your business or anyone you know is interested in donating an appealing price, big or small - we'd love to hear from you. Please email

Next PTA Meeting 27th November—7pm

Waitetuna Way

Well done to Ben O & Grace for


Be open and honest with yourself and others

Be reflective and thankful

Together we are growing the seeds of success

Na too manaaki, na tooku manaaki, ka puawai mai nga kaakano

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