Kia Ora and Welcome back!
Hoping everyone is rejuvenated from the holiday break and ready for the last term.
Little Library
The Waikato District Council has gifted the Waitetuna Community (and other rural communities) a Little Library. This is to be erected at the front of the school in our newly cleared front garden. New books for all ages will be available from the Little Library and can be exchanged at any time. Please help yourself!
Sun Safety The sun is harsh at this time of year so please remember to follow our sun safety policy. Students need to be wearing school hats on all school events (School Hats are available $15 at the office) and require hats at school for daily use. If students do not have a hat at school, they are to play in the shade only. It is a good idea to provide your own preferred sun block for your child’s needs. The school provides sunblock if required. It is a good idea for all students to have their own water bottle to prevent dehydration on those extra hot days. Swimming Pool
We plan to have the School Swimming Pool “up and running” by mid-November this year. A new cover has been purchased (thanks to Meridian!) and will be used during the cooler weeks. To enable our pool cover to last as long as possible, we ask that only adults (or strict adult supervision with older children) roll and unroll the pool cover. Pool keys will be available to purchase once the pool is open.
Term 4 Focus
Term 4 is always a very busy term. Guitar lessons continue on Tuesdays with Dave Napper and Surfing lessons begin on Friday 26th Oct for morning lessons with Daniel Kereopa. There is Tabloids, Athletics, Cricket, and of course our popular Waitetuna Wind Farm Trail Run - both students and parents are encouraged to participate. In addition, Paul Murray or X-Man as the students know him, will be re-visiting with Recycling and Kura Para Kore towards the end of the term. This term teachers will be covering a number of Mini-Units: The completion of the Suffragette Unit from last term. NZ Shake Out and how to prepare for natural disasters. Please make sure your family has filled out the NZ Shake Out Schools Challenge form and return slip signed for a small prize.
Please note: Waitetuna School is our Civil Defense Post.
Visual Arts Unit on specific artists including: Klimt, Mondrian and Reuben Patterson. In this Visual Arts Unit students will develop practical knowledge by exploring art making conventions, and developing and applying their knowledge through the use of materials and processes. Students will revisit visual ideas, communicate and interpret these and apply their knowledge to develop their own special art work creations.
Students art works are being created for the purchase of calendars, cards, dairies, note books and mouse pads. Please see your teacher to view art works. This is a small fundraising venture and money raised will go towards the purchase of new picnic tables for the school. Please fill in and return Calendar orders so they are ready for Christmas.
Enjoy the long weekend!