Principal’s Update
Kia ora Waitetuna Whaanau, nau mai haere mai, It is great to have everyone back on board for 2024. It is exciting to have the term underway and to catch up with you all. Looking forward to an exciting year of learning. I had a lovely break and I have heard about some of the lovely things the children have done.
Firstly welcome to our new families who have joined us for the start of the year. Charlie in the Senior Room, Jamie in the Junior Room and Tawhai in the Middle Room. The students are enthusiastic and keen to learn. Our term 1 focus is ‘Together we are growing the seeds of success’, using our school motto to build relationships and create great classroom environments where everyone is ready to learn, knows the expectations and builds on their esteem and knowledge of themselves as learners so they can learn with their peers and their teacher. We are focusing on Manaaki (care) and Puawai (nuture, blossom), which is a vital part of our great little rural school, where tuakana/teina support each other to learn and thrive.
Phones away for the day—you will have seen the government has implemented the ‘Phones away for the day’ policy. As we already have this as a school policy nothing changes for us, I am just informing parents and reminding families of this. Cell phones and
smart watches are not to be brought to school. If a cell phone is needed then the phone or device must be handed in to the office on arrival at school and picked up at the end of
the school day.
This applies to all students and includes Thursday’s tech day for the year 7 and 8 students.
Music lessons continue to be available for your child. See advertisement on page 2 of the newsletter. This is in school time on a Tuesday.
Full brimmed hats—it is school policy for all students to wear a full brimmed hat during break times and when outside. Please help us with this by ensuring your child has access to a full brimmed hat. Caps are not suitable.
We are very excited to welcome Harold and Abby in week 3 for Life Education Learning. More information about the year 7 and 8 programme has been emailed out.
Kia pai too raa whakataa. Have a great weekend
Ngaa mihi Amanda
and staff
All The Happenings:
Marae Trip—next week—Wed 14th February
Get Set Go day—Friday 23rd Feb
School swimming sports 12th March
Senior Camp—Finlay Park—Sunday 3rd March (meet at school 2pm) - Tuesday 5th March
Inter-school swimming sports—Thurs 14th March TBC
Assembly 22nd March
School photos—Tues 26th March
Good Friday—29th March,
Easter Mon/Easter Tues—School closed—1st April and 2nd April
More dates to come.
PTA News:
We have some great additional prizes for the raffle and so the raffle communication will be out very soon.
Air conditioning unit from Preventative Maintenance
Trek and Travel voucher
Four square voucher
Greenlea Meats rump
Chainsaw from Peter Glidden Honda Huntly
Music lessons 2024
Music lessons will begin again Tuesday of week 2 so if you are keen for your child to start this please get in contact with Ruth.– See advert below for details
Term Dates 2024:
Term 1—Starts Wed 7th February and ends Fri 12th April, Easter in term time—29th March-2nd April
Term 2—Mon 29th April-Fri 5th July—Public holidays in term 2 -Kings Birthday 3rd June, Matariki—28th June
Term 3—Mon 22 July—27th Sept
Term 4—starts—Mon 14th October—End date—20th
December—Labour day—28th October
We have two teacher-only day dates set: Mon 27th May, Mon 19th Aug
Term 4 TOD date still to be confirmed
Waitetuna Way
Well done to Audrey and Theo for showing:
Celebrate your own and others' success
Show respect for myself and others (courtesy)
Respect for our school equipment
Show respect by actively listening to others
Show respect for our environment
Together we are growing the seeds of success
Na too manaaki, na tooku manaaki, ka puawai mai nga kaakano