Kia ora Waitetuna Whaanau,
Junior Room Camp
Week 9 was a very busy week and the Junior Room camp was a wonderful example of our Living Curriculum in action. Thank you to Whaea Robyn for making this happen.
Teacher Only Days—TERM 2
Monday 24th April—Teacher Only Day—Supervision Provided
Monday 1st May—Teacher Only Day—NO Supervision Provided
Anzac Day
We ensure Waitetuna School is represented at the parade in Raglan. If you and your tamariki would like to join us we meet at 10.45am by the fire brigade.
The staff and I thank you for the mahi that has gone into this term and the support we have received during contract negotiations and in ensuring the amazing opportunities for our tamariki can go ahead, from the elvers release early in term 1 to the wide range of wonder-ful learning opportunities.
Have a tumeke Easter break and we look forward to reconnecting in term 2. Ngaa mihi Amanda and staff
All the Happenings
Term 2—to start
Monday 24th April—Teacher Only Day—Supervision Provided
Anzac Day—meet at Raglan Fire Station at 10.45am
Monday 1st May—Teacher Only Day—No Supervision Provided
2nd May—Wearable Arts Making Day—if you can donate an hour or two to help with making
Surf lesson number 1—3rd May—Year 5-8
Karioi Project—5th May
PTA News
PTA AGM—8th May—7pm—Please put this date in your diary.
Native Seedling fundraising—amazing opportunity to get some native and exotic trees for your property—order form to come.
Trail Run - new committee members wanted The Waitetuna Wind Farm Trail Run has become an iconic event in both the runner/walker scene as well as the Waitetuna/ Raglan community. At the PTA meeting on Monday night there was dis-cussion around the future of the Trail Run. This event has provid-ed an invaluable contribution to our school however the trail run committee has stood down. Is the running the Trail run still via-ble? Without volunteers that can step into these roles we will not be able to continue to hold a trail run. Can you help in one of these roles? Please let Hannah (PTA Chair), Ellen (PTA Secretary) or Amy (Treasurer) know if you are interested in a role. Please let them know by the 1st May. Some areas - to give you an idea: Registration + contact with participants
Marketing & Sponsors contact
Logistics (course, equipment, parking)
Food/ drinks + volunteers
A massive shout out to Hamish and Julie Ormand for the use of their farm (Outlook Station) for this event and to our amazing Trail Run committee over the past five years.
Trees for Sale
Waitetuna School Tree fundraiser
EXOTICS ($6) :
English Oak
Pin Oak
Turkey Oak
Swamp Cypress
Weeping Willow
Form will be sent out in the holidays—Look out for it.
NATIVES ($3 or $5) All are $3, apart from a couple varieties that are bigger in size.
NZ Flax Kahikatea ($5)
Cabbage Tree
Kowhai ($5)
Carex Secta
Carex Virgata
Waitetuna Way
Goes to Whaea Ali and Te Kura “wearing funny hats”
Together we are growing the seeds of success
Na tō manaaki, na tōku manaaki, ka puāwai mai nga kāka-no