Principals Update
Kia ora Waitetuna Whaanau, it has been a great week of focused learning and enjoying the new playground. Our Senior Room got to enjoy a great day of archery, biking and team building at Raglan Area School. Thanks to Liam from the Outdoor Ed team at RAS and some Wintec Outdoor Ed students for this great opportunity.
Happy Mother's Day—Thanks to all the Mums. A big shout out to all of you wonderful mums. This week my mum took my oldest son to the doctor for me and they then had to go to Waikato hospital and my mum waited there for me. My son is ok now. Even now that I am older I am fortunate to have a mum that lives close and helps me out. My washing machine broke this week and guess who stepped in and did some washing for me! I hope you can make some well deserved time for yourself this weekend.
PTA AGM—Our PTA helps our school in so many ways and contributes by funding a variety of things that all directly benefit your child’s learning and well-being. Just recently they contributed to our new playground. The PTA has their AGM on Monday night at 7.30pm. Please come along at school or via Zoom. The PTA needs you and you can help in any way that fits you. Most importantly, we do need a new Secretary. Later this term the PTA help out at the Book Fair which starts on Monday 10th June. We have a booknic—you can come along bring a picnic or purchase food from school and read books with your child/ren and their friends.
Jon Thompson one of the local residents has been supporting our Kaitaiki native seedling programme for a number of years now. Rentokil the company he works for allows him to come to our school one morning a week and our Senior students grow seedlings from the seeds they have eco-sourced locally. The students then plant these in reserves in our community. We thank Rentokil for giving back to our community and supporting our local environment and allowing Jon to do this role.
Pink Shirt Day—Next Friday is Pink Shirt Day so make sure you are hunting out all of your pink clothes to wear to school. This is a bullying awareness day! Making sure our students know what a bully as and what to do if you if you think you need help. We talk about the difference between someone being mean and a bully. This is also the year 1-4 football tournament day so students can wear their school t-shirt and something pink.
Ngaa mihi Amanda and staff
All The Happenings
Pink Shirt day—17th May
Junior Football tournament –17th May
Wheels Week—starting 20th May—weather dependent TBC
Board Meeting—21st May—5.30pm
Teacher Only Day—27th May
National Young Leaders day—29th May—year 7 and 8s
Kings Birthday—3rd June
Book Week including Book Fair and Booknic
(Wed 12th June)—starting 10th June
Assembly—14th June– 2.15pm
School Photos—17th June
Science Roadshow—Tues 18th June—10am till lunchtime—
Senior Room
Tough Guy/Gal—Wed 19th June
Ki-o-rahi tournament—Fri 21st June
Matariki Public holiday—28th June and Matariki—School shared kai—date TBC
Wednesday July 3rd—evening performance—Whole School Production
Last day of term 2—5th July
TOD—Term 3—Monday 19th 19th Aug/TOD—Term 4– Fri 15th Nov
Action Stations
Lots of learning and fun at the Outdoor Education day at Raglan Area School with Te Mata School—biking, archery, team work, pyramids.
PTA News
PTA AGM Monday 13th May— 7.30pm Zoom option available
Waitetuna Way
Well done to Harper and Ollie
Think before you speak (Is it kind, is it nice, is it necessary?)
Manage yourself appropriately in both formal and informal situations
Being adaptable when our plans change
Together we are growing the seeds of success
Na too manaaki, na tooku manaaki, ka puawai mai nga kaakano