Principals Update
Kia ora Waitetuna Whaanau, it has certainly been another productive week this week. I have been in classes seeing excellent learning, morphology and reading comprehension. Morphology is the study of words including their meanings and origins and is a great way to increase vocabulary and to support stu-dents understanding of words. For example, the Latin word root ‘ject’ means 'throw. ' Many common words are 'thrown' about each day which use this root, including eject, reject, object, and projector. The Senior Room students enjoy exploring the origins of vocabulary and manipulating prefixes and suffixes. The Senior Room are also looking into Aotearoa New Zealand histories this term which is now a compulsory part of the New Zealand Curriculum. The teachers are learning too and the Ministry are developing resources to support this.
Have you heard about Book Week happening next week? A flyer was emailed out with the details. We hope you can make it to the Booknic on Wednesday starting at 12pm and dress up day is Wednesday.
Zoo trip
I heard lots of great stories about the animals (and playground) at the zoo that the Junior Room saw last Friday. Thank you Robyn for making this happen.
Thank you also to the following businesses who supported our Waitetuna School raffle.—Ninja Valley, Mike and Madeline—accommodation at luxury studio, Water water—swim vouchers, The Peak—one hour court time, The Village Café—vouchers, Raglan Food Company, Greenlea Meats, Trek and Travel.
Well done with 481 tickets sold and thank you to our PTA and everyone who helped.
Prize winners on page 2 of newsletter.
Have an enjoyable weekend and I look forward to Bookweek next week, celebrating everything about reading.
Ngaa mihi nui,
Amanda and staff.
All the Happenings
Book Fair week—Week 4—7th-11th November—including Book Dress Up day—Wednesday 9th November
Board Meeting—15th November
Karioi project in—17th November
Cricket festival—Year 5-8—18th November—RAS
Waitetuna Trail Run—Saturday 19th November
School Athletics day—21st November—from 11am
Interschool athletics—25th November
Middle Room—Awa trip—29th November
Board Meeting—6th December
Final assembly—Wed 14th December—6pm—whole school event– shared kai after the event, please bring a plate.
Last day of 2022—Friday 16th December—School closes at 1pm
Te Reo Maaori phrase of the week
Kaaore au I te maarama—I don’t understand
Kaaore au I te moohio—I don’t know
PTA News—Raffle Draw results
1st prize—Reece Van Weerden (Raglan Getaway)
2nd prize— H. Reddish (Food Lovers package)
3rd prize– Christie Goodwin (Be Active Package)
Waitetuna Way
Well done to Brooke and Arav For Determination Set yourself up for success by being prepared.
Together we are growing the seeds of success
Na too manaaki, na tooku manaaki, ka puawai mai nga kaakano