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Writer's pictureAmanda

Newsletter - Week 4, Term 3 2024


Principal’s Update 


Kia ora Waitetuna Whaanau, another week, and a new announcement about a change in education…this time in Maths. The change in the maths curriculum has been brought forward to the beginning of next year. The data presented to justify the rapid change to teaching is very misleading. The Curriculum Insights and Progress Study (CIPS) data showed that only 20% of Year 3 children nation-ally were working at or above where they should be, 28% of Year 6’s and 22% of Year 8’s. On the surface this data is pretty con-fronting…but two things refute it. Firstly, it is based on an assessment given last year to just 42 schools (out of 2000) to around 900 children (out of 460,000) on a curriculum that hasn’t been released to teachers (and therefore has not been taught) and is based on benchmarks that are higher than current expectations. Hardly a surprise that the data then appears to be low. Secondly, the same study notes that achievement levels haven’t actually changed. The same study (different name…NMSSA) from 2022 shows 82% of Year 4 children at/above, and 45% of Year 8 students. This data still shows that the sector has work to do…we need to improve outcomes, but it also shows that it isn’t all doom and gloom.  Now, no matter how you cut the data, it is clear that we have declining achievement from Year 4 to Year 8, but this isn't quite the crisis that has been made out, and at Waitetuna School our mid year data shows that progress to meet our vision and strategic goals—that all children make progress to meet their potential is always at our forefront. I shared at the Board meeting on Tuesday our mid year data. 75% of our students are Reading at or above, 55% in Writing and 64% in Mathematics so this is something we are always checking on and they are certainly positive results for mid year. 

Cross Country next Thursday 22nd—the form with ways you can help has been emailed out and is on our Facebook page. Thanks to those that have filled it in. Baking, nacho mince, vegetarian nachos, help in the tent—there are many ways you can help. It is all hands on deck please as this is a major fundraising event. We have had donations of mince so if you can cook up a batch of nacho mince come and grab some at the office. And we would still appreciate some help setting up the large tent on Wednesday afternoon.

Crock pots—can we please have 3-4 named crockpots for warming. 

Raglan Rock—great to see our Seniors have made the most of these opportunities on a Monday afternoon. Thanks Raglan Rock 

Rippa Rugby– I heard great things about our Rippa Rugby team. Well done for doing us proud. 

Waitetuna School Ag Day and Pet Day and Group Day at Te Mata School—these institutions of rural schools continue. Lorna will send out Ag Day registrations forms later this term. Look out for these and consider if your child can raise a calf, lamb or goat and bring them along to our Ag Day and compete in various events. We also have a Caged Pet section where your child can bring along their caged pet (from 9-11am) and students and families will come and hear about their pet. No dogs allowed. 

Reminder that it is a Teacher Only Day on Monday. We will see you on Tuesday. May the sun shine next week! 

Ngaa mihi Amanda and staff 

All the Happenings

  • Teacher Only Day—19th August 

  • Inter School Cross Country 22nd August 

  • Assembly—13th Septem-ber 

Term 4 

  • Waitetuna School’s Ag Day—Tues 15th October 

  • Group Day at Te Mata School—Fri 18th October 

  • Labour Day—28th October 

  • Teacher Only Day— 15th November 

Rippa Team

Big thanks to Jane and Shayne Hook for donating a freezer to Waitetuna School 

Waitetuna Way

Emma Moss for showing Determination 


Together we are growing the seeds of success 

Na too manaaki, na tooku manaaki, ka puawai mai nga kaakano 

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