Principal’s Update
Kia ora Waitetuna Whaanau,
Cross Country 2024—On behalf of Waitetuna School and all the participants, we want to extend a huge thank you to everyone who helped with the cross country and to the landowners for generously allowing us to use your properties. Your support played a crucial role in making this event a great success. Thanks to everyone who lent a hand in whatever way you could to ensure our cross country event could go ahead. It always amazes us that the smallest school pulls off the biggest event, and we do it well. That is credit to staff and parents and the community. The event has huge numbers, with many enthusiastic supporters cheering on our students. We couldn't have done it without your support. Thank you once again for your invaluable contribution to our school community.
Shout Out to James Lambie from Property Brokers, Super Value Raglan and Lone Star Rototuna for their donations to our food tent.
A reminder that I am away for the rest of the term. Thank you to the Board for this and thanks to the great staff here at Waitetuna for stepping up while I am away.
Look out for Ag Day registrations for calves, lambs and kid goats. Animals cannot be less than three weeks old on the day of competing.
We wish Matua Travis safe travels to the UK. He will return in week 8. We welcome Linda Judge for the next 2 weeks. And I look forward to seeing you on my return for the start of Term 4.
Ngaa mihi Amanda
All the Happenings
Term 3
Speeches for selected students Y5/6 Te Uku 29/8 9.30am Y 7/8 WFPSA at Rotokauri School 6pm
Assembly—13th September
Term 4
Waitetuna School’s Ag Day—Tues 15th October
Group Day at Te Mata School—Fri 18th October
Labour Day—28th October
Teacher Only Day — 15th November
Waitetuna Way
Well done to Anya and Maahanga for Determination
Set you own goals and strive to achieve them (practice makes progress)
Show persistence in my learning
Ask questions to clarify and extend understanding
Set yourself up for success by being prepared
Together we are growing the seeds of success
Na too manaaki, na tooku manaaki, ka puawai mai nga kaakano