Principal’s Update
Kia ora Waitetuna Whaanau,
This is likely to be the final newsletter for 2022. What a year it has been. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our staff, our PTA, Trail Run committee and the dedicated School Board for all of their efforts in helping our school to run to the best it can. Thank you parents for your support and encouragement of your great kids and our staff.
The last three weeks of this year our Waitetuna Way school value focus has been Respect—Celebrating our own and others successes. I have emphasised to the children that they all have so many achievements to celebrate this year. It has been another year of juggling Covid but the resilience of our students continues to impress. I look forward to celebrating the learning journey of all of our students with you at the final assembly on the 14th December at 6pm. Our local kaumatua Darrell and Bernie are coming along too. Bring a plate of food for shared kai and I look forward to seeing you then.
Reports go home next Thursday and this is another celebration of the learning your child/ren have done this year. Teachers have completed a range of assessments to support what they see in class to make their judgements. I always enjoy reflecting on what has been written and seeing the progress your children have made and they have.
Vicky Beeby, one of our great teacher aides has secured a new position for next year. We will miss Vicky's fantastic skills supporting the learning of our students. We wish you all the very best in your new role.
Swimming for Life
Megan from Swimming Waikato came to us on Friday to deliver this programme. The students heard about all the important aspects of water safety.
The great news is that our pool is open and you can purchase a pool key from today. The board have kept the price the same for the full season at only $80.
All of the staff will be welcomed onto the local marae on Wednesday 1st February as part of our Living Curriculum Maahanga for 2023. It will be great to reconnect.
Pilot Project
Painting and Maintenace—Waitetuna School is part of a Painting and Maintenance Pilot project were the Ministry of Education is doing all of the background work and organising painting to reduce Principal workload. To start this a drone will be used to take high resolution footage of our school buildings during the school holidays.
You should have received the online option for purchasing stationery for your children for 2023 by Office Max.
Please return all library books and readers before the end of the term. Have a great weekend, and last week of the school term.
Have a great weekend, and last week of the school term.
Vinaka vakalevu, Amanda and staff
All The Happenings
Junior Room picnic—13th December
Leap visit—Middle Room—13th December
Final assembly– 14th December
Tabloids—15th December
Last day for 2022—16th December—School closes at 1pm—There is no after school care.
Term dates 2023—an update
The Ministry of Education have now allowed Teacher Only days for the New Zealand Curriculum refresh in 2023 and 2024. As we have already secured Monday 24th April for PLD (supervision will be available on this day and we will also have a Teacher Only day on Monday 1st May.
Please note there will be another TOD later in 2023 but this date is yet to be advised.
Term Dates—2023—a reminder
Term 1 Thursday 2nd Feb to Thursday 6th April (Waitangi Day Monday 6 February, and Easter: Good Friday– 7th April)
Term 2 Monday 24th April to Friday 30th June (Anzac Day – Tuesday 25 April and Queen’s Birthday – Monday 5 June )
Monday 24th April school is open but teachers will be participating in Professional Learning and a reliever will be covering.
Monday 1st May—Teacher Only Day
Term 3 Monday 17th July to Friday 22nd September
Term 4 Monday 9th October to Monday 18th December (Labour Day – Monday 23 October)
Yahoo—Life Education Visiting Date:
We are very excited to now have the Life Education truck visiting Waitetuna School every year now. Abby Miles is a Life Educator (I taught with Abby at Pirongia School).
We have RAT tests available at school if you need any please let the office know.
Waitetuna Way - Well done Gus and Willis Respect Celebrating our own and others successes, and for being friends to others.
Waitetuna School wishes to extend a big thank you!
If you have donated your time and energy in any way this year...Ngaa mihi nui!
On behalf of the Waitetuna School staff we would all like to say a big thank you for your support this year. We wish you a wonderful Christmas and holiday break.
Together we are growing the seeds of success
Na too manaaki, na tooku manaaki, ka puaawai mai nga kākano